Search Results for: chat

TikTok and WeChat Applications Ban Delayed For One Week

TikTok and WeChat Applications Ban Delayed For One Week

TikTok and WeChat applications ban delayed with successful management. These two popular also China-based apps delayed for one week. A few weeks later, Donald Trump wants to ban TikTok and WeChat. Because over concerns that ByteDance revealed a national security risk. The Commerce Department issued an order that would have prohibited new downloads as of…


Women Cover Elton John: 5 Fun Live Cuts

Over the last 55 years, no single musical artist has had a greater singular impact than Elton John. As an entertainer, musician, and songwriter, John’s aptitude is simply second to none. As a global humanitarian and philanthropist, he has set the standard for the modern-day celebrity. And without his artistic contributions, the social songbook of…

Jack Johnson

The 10 Best Jack Johnson Songs of All Time

Jack Johnson is an American celebrity personality. He is a multi-talented singer and songwriter who plays a lot of different musical instruments. The list of his talents goes into record producing, documentary, filmmaking, acting, and even professional surfing for a period. He’s currently best known for his singing and songwriting, although he is still active…


Ranking All 9 of Nickelback Studio Albums

In a world where music critics are constantly reviewing albums, compiling end-of-year lists, and streaming/downloading the newest records – it’s only natural that somebody would eventually rank all of Nickelback’s records. However, because their output is often flimsy at best, I thought it would be more entertaining to rank their albums based on different criteria…