Search Results for: black label society

Loretta Lynn

The 20 Best Country Songs of All Time

Country music’s roots are in rural areas of the Southern and Western United States. Traditional Celtic and Scottish folk songs and ballads started evolving in the Appalachian Mountains. In 1923, Fiddlin’ John Carson recorded the first country music song. Also, during this time, radio stations in Midwestern and Southern cities started broadcasting country music songs….

Humble Pie

The 10 Best Humble Pie Songs of All-Time

In 1969, a new supergroup was born. Consisting of former Small Faces lead vocalist and guitarist Steve Marriott, vocalist and guitarist Peter Frampton from The Herd, Spooky Tooth bassist Greg Ridley, and drummer Jerry Shirley from The Apostolic Intervention, the band’s potential was enormous. That potential would end in bitter disappointment, poor record sales, and…