Search Results for: megadeth

Las Vegas

The History and Evolution of Psycho Las Vegas

Over the last half-century, music festivals and mega concerts became a standard for music goers. Even though one of the first, Woodstock was primarily a social statement protesting the war in Vietnam; more concert series are becoming a collection of bands allowing listeners to pick and choose to create the best concert experience at a…


Metallica’s “Enter Sandman” May Have Poached Other Music

They say there’s no such thing as a new story, and the same certainly applies to music. Like words, there are only so many possible notes you can play. Unsurprisingly, a whole lot of songs sound alike. For example, there are numerous jokes about how every pop song is Pachelbel’s Canon in D. Plus, covering…

Five Finger Death Punch

How Five Finger Death Punch’s Chris Kael Became a Kentucky Colonel

Chris Kael, Kentucky native, and bassist for the heavy metal band, Fiver Finger Death Punch (known by fans as 5FDP) was recently awarded an honor from the Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Andy Beshear. More specifically, he was commissioned as a Kentucky Colonel. As many are not familiar with this honor or its long…

Zoltan Bathory

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Zoltan Bathory

Zoltan Bathory was born and raised in a military base because his parents were high-ranking officers. The upbringing affected him, and to date, the musician still holds much respect to veterans, going as far as offering them discounted tickets to the Five Finger Death Punch (FFDP) shows. Bathory wanted to become a guitarist but not…