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The 10 Best Dillinger Escape Plan Songs of All-Time

The 10 Best Dillinger Escape Plan Songs of All-Time

The mid-’90s was a superb era for music, but not every band was meant to be. After some early success, members of the hardcore punk band Arcane were feeling limited by their genre and needed a change. Moving in a more metal direction seemed less restrictive and so the American metalcore band Dillinger Escape Plan…

The 10 Best Berlin Songs of All-Time

The 10 Best Berlin Songs of All-Time

Originally forming in 1976 as The Toys out of Orange County, California, are founding members of the band Berlin, John Crawford (bass guitar), Dan Van Patten (drums), Chris Ruiz-Velasco (guitar), and Ty Cobb (vocals). After a few shows, they released vocalist Ty Cobb from the roster and changed the band’s name to Berlin. Throughout Berlin’s…