Ranking All The Cypress Hill Studio Albums

Cypress Hill

Cypress Hill is one of the more notable hip hop groups to emerge in recent decades. For those who are unfamiliar, the initial line-up of what was then called DVX consisted of the brothers Sen Dog and Mellow Man Ace plus DJ Muggs and B-Real in the late 1980s. However, Mellow Man Ace left because of his solo career, with the result that the remaining group members renamed themselves Cypress Hill. Eric Bobo wasn’t introduced until Woodstock 94, meaning that he became involved at a much later point in time. Regardless, the hip hop group went on to sell more than 30 million records on a worldwide basis, which should make the extent of their success as well as the extent of their influence very clear. Some people might assume that Cypress Hill is no longer around because it is such an old hip hop group. That isn’t the case. After all, Cypress Hill released their latest studio album Elephants on Acid in 2018, which wasn’t that long ago.

9. Rise Up

Rise Up was a major change of direction for Cypress Hill. It was supposed to sound bigger, more aggressive, and more uptempo, which would have made it perfectly-suited for the group’s live shows. Unfortunately, Rise Up didn’t live up to those expectations. Some claimed that its material was unimaginative, while others claimed that the group didn’t sound as good as it used to. Whatever the case, Rise Up just didn’t perform very well, which is why it has been put here in this position.

8. Till Death Do Us Part

Till Death Do Us Part was Cypress Hill’s seventh studio album that came out in 2004. It was interesting in that it saw the addition of reggae elements. Otherwise, well, Till Death Do Us Part was unexceptional. It was a solid release but a solid release just isn’t enough to stand out among the group’s body of work.

7. Skull & Bones

On the whole, Skull & Bones met with a positive reception when it came out in 2000. People who remember the period might remember how “(Rock) Superstar” managed to become a hit on both rap stations and rock stations, which was an excellent example of Cypress Hill’s crossover appeal. Skull & Bones might not be the best of the group’s best, but it is nonetheless a worthwhile record in its own right.

6. Elephants on Acid

As mentioned earlier, Elephants on Acid is Cypress Hill’s most recent release, meaning that it is the group’s ninth studio album. Like Rise Up, it came out after a long period of time. Unlike Rise Up, it was fully-produced by DJ Muggs, thus making it something of a return to form. Regardless, Elephants on Acid is a surprisingly pleasing release from a group that hasn’t been in the spotlight for a very long time. It isn’t particularly innovative, but since Cypress Hill still sounds one-of-a-kind, it suffers nothing because of that.

5. Stoned Raiders

Stoned Raiders came out just a short while after Skull & Bones. Curiously, it was a more experimental release, which made it rather eclectic but nonetheless provided it with a boost of always helpful energy. Even now, “Trouble” and “Lowrider” remain well-liked by a lot of people out there, being two parts of an even greater whole.

4. Cypress Hill III: Temples of Boom

It seems safe to say that the name of this release was a nod to the Indiana Jones franchise, which was much more present in the 1980s and 1990s than in the present time. Regardless, Temples of Boom was one of the studio albums that came out when Cypress Hill was at the height of their success, as shown by how it went platinum in the United States. Music-wise, it was a darker, moodier, and spookier work than its predecessors. Other than that, it is also interesting in that it started up a feud between Cypress Hill and Ice Cube, which was motivated by the group’s belief that the rapper had stolen a hook from one of their songs.

3. Black Sunday

Black Sunday was just Cypress Hill’s second studio album. Even so, it went triple platinum in the United States, not least because of the crossover success of “Insane in the Brain.” Everything was particularly impressive because the group’s debut studio album was still on the U.S. Billboard 200 at the time, with the result that they became the first hip hop group to have not one but two studio albums in the top 10 at the same time.

2. Cypress Hill IV

By the time of Cypress Hill IV, it was clear that the group had passed the height of their fame. This can be seen in how it sold about 500,000 copies in the United States, meaning that it reached gold but never platinum. In any case, Cypress Hill IV was a rather divisive release. There were those who absolutely loathed it. However, there were also those who thought that it was the group’s most powerful release since their debut, which is no small praise considering both Black Sunday and Temples of Boom.

1. Cypress Hill

This would be Cypress Hill’s self-titled debut studio album, which made the group a well-known name in what seemed like an instant. It didn’t do quite as well as its immediate successor, seeing as how it went just double-platinum rather than triple-platinum in the United States. Still, the fact that the debut studio album managed to sell more than 2 million copies in just a single market speaks volumes about how it was received. For that matter, one can make the case that it paved the way for everything that came afterwards.

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