
Jethro Tull frontman Ian Anderson: “Suffering from an incurable lung disease”

Jethro Tull frontman Ian Anderson interview “I’m suffering from an incurable lung disease”. He also reveals battling chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Jethro Tull is one of the most British rock band founded in 1967. We also know this band with Ian Anderson. He is a musician, singer, and songwriter, who also lead vocalist, flutist and acoustic guitar for this progressive band. A few days ago, in a conversation with Dan Rather for the show “The Big Interview”. This show airing Wednesday night (May 13th) on AXS TV. Anderson reveals some of the unknown health issues for himself.

During the interview, Jethro Tull frontman Ian Anderson responded to a question about health issues and more:

“I’m going to tell you something I’ve never told anybody in public before. Since it’s you, I will take this moment to say I am suffering from an incurable lung disease with which I was diagnosed a couple of years back. And I do struggle. I have what is known as exacerbations: Periods when I get an infection, it turns into severe bronchitis and I have maybe two or three weeks of really a tough job to go out there on stage and play. Fingers crossed, I’ve gone 18 months now without an exacerbation.”

Then he added: 

“If I’m kept in a reasonably pollution-free environment in terms of air quality, I do okay. It’s not yet at the point that it affects my everyday life. I’ve spent 50 years of my life onstage amongst those wretched things that I call smoke machines [that] are lightly referred to as ‘hazers.’

As if they’re somehow innocent and not damaging to your lungs. And I really do believe that’s a very significant part of the problem that I have because I’m breathing in – I take ten breaths every breath a bass player takes… that’s a slight exaggeration but you know what I mean, I’m physical – I’m aerobic for two hours on stage, so I’m taking in a huge amount of whatever’s in the air.”

You can watch the Ian Anderson full interview below.

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