Nintendo vs Sega: Console Wars to be Produced Into a TV Series

Nintendo and Sega are now getting ready for the production of Console Wars as a TV adaptation.

In 2014, Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg had picked up the project, but soon they had given up. However, the project has re-surfaced and the 90’s generation of video consoles, which made many generations addicted to itself will get their fair share of Hollywood this time. Adapted from Blake J. Harris’ novel Console Wars: Sega, Nintendo, and the Battle that Defined a Generation; the series will be directed by Jordan Vogt-Roberts of Kong: Skull Island, Metal Gear Solid. Mike Rosolio will adopt this novel to a screenplay.

nintendo sega tv series console wars seth rogen evan goldberg

Nintendo vs Sega: Console Wars series will be released by 2020.

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