The 10 Best Parkway Drive Songs of All-Time

Parkway Drive is an Australian metal band that has existed since the early 2000s. It took its name from the street where they had their one-time rehearsal space. From there, Parkway Drive built up a reputation in their homeland before landing a record deal in the United States, thus putting them on the path to becoming a well-known feature of the metal scene.

The band’s line-up has remained consistent since the mid-2000s. Its bassist, Shaun Cash, left for personal reasons in 2006 before being replaced by a friend, Jia O’Connor. Despite this consistency, interested individuals should know Parkway Drive has continued to evolve. Once upon a time, the band was classified as metalcore, one of several subgenres that blend influences from metal and punk. In the present, it leans more towards classic metal, though it is still very much its own thing.

Here is our opinion of the ten best Parkway Drive songs released so far:

10. “Chronos”

It’s common for people to confuse Cronos and Chronos. One was the King of the Titans, while the other was the primordial personification of time. It didn’t help that Cronos had time associations of his own. Specifically, he represented time as a destroyer, as shown by how Father Time still carries his iconic sickle or scythe. “Chronos” is an awe-inspiring song about this topic. It holds up time as being supreme, which fits its namesake. Still, much of the singing is about how everything else is doomed to die. Something that might be more reminiscent of the King of the Titans.

9. “Horizons”

“Horizons” is about the transient nature of existence. Listeners can choose to interpret this in a bleak way. However, a significant portion of people respond to such sentiments by treasuring the time they have. Either way, “Horizons” encourages people to mull over these things while being highly enjoyable.

8. “Karma”

Karma originated in Indian and Indian-influenced religions. Sometimes, it focuses on how one’s deeds will determine one’s future lives. Other times, it is more concerned with how one’s actions affect one’s experiences here and now. “Karma” is a harsh song in some ways. The lyrics mention seas and storms, presumably stand-ins for life’s tribulations. Even so, “Karma” is an optimistic song at heart. After all, there is a down for every up and an up for every down. The narrator has fought his way through a host of troubles. As such, he is breaking through into the open.

7. “Idols and Anchors”

“Idols and Anchors” compares the two things mentioned in the name. They make a fascinating pairing. On the one hand, anchors can be presented negatively. Everyone should be familiar with the idea of being dragged down beneath the waves because of them. On the other hand, anchors can also represent a sort of safety. They hold ships in place, thus preventing ships from drifting off on the wind and waves. Still, the song focuses more on the negative side of things. The most natural interpretation seems to be refraining from hero worship, thus preventing one from floundering when heroes prove themselves all too human.

6. “Leviathan I”

Leviathan is a name rich in symbolism. It is a Biblical sea monster that became a representation of envy. However, the philosopher Thomas Hobbes wrote a treatise by the same name, which famously advocated for an all-powerful ruler to prevent the so-called “war of all against all.” “Leviathan I” presents the narrator as the titular beast caught with hooks embedded in his head. That suggests problematic ideas have a hold on him. Something further supported by the lyrics’ general tone. The question is what those ideas might be because the song’s name makes for many possibilities while the lyrics offer no clue on which is correct.

5. “Bottom Feeder”

“Bottom Feeder” is well-suited for whipping listeners into an enthusiastic frenzy. It is one long line of angry condemnation directed at someone who seems to deserve it. People have speculated about the intended target. Unfortunately, there is no clear answer to this question. Either way, “Bottom Feeder” is as energetic as one would suspect based on its name.

4. “Blue and the Grey”

The longing for home is one of those things most people can understand to some extent. However, it seems safe to say that the narrator thinks about a person at least as much as a place. As strange as it sounds, “Blue and the Grey” is a love song. On top of that, it works surprisingly well, thus earning it a high position on this list.

3. “Romance Is Dead”

“Romance Is Dead” comes from Parkway Drive’s debut album, Killing With a Smile. One can say that it is an example of the band’s earlier, less experienced work. Simultaneously, one can also say that it is a critical stepping stone on the band’s way to becoming what it is. People often interpret this song as a reaction to a breakup. The funny thing is that it isn’t. Instead, it is a criticism of people who behave that way, which becomes evident when one pays attention to the lyrics.

2. “Wild Eyes”

“Wild Eyes” comes from 2012’s Atlas. Its lyrics don’t need much puzzling over. After all, they are clear about how younger generations won’t have the chance to realize their potential because of the decisions of their predecessors. Moreover, it encourages the listeners to do something about it despite the direness of the situation. Such songs are easy to like for their intended audience.

1. “Deliver Me”

Parkway Drive has admirable skill with religious imagery and language. “Deliver Me” is another example of this tendency. It isn’t 100 percent unclear what the narrator confronts in this song. People like to speculate about death, darkness, and depression. Three concepts that are often bundled together. Regardless, the song says anger will enable the narrator to lift himself out of these circumstances. Something that goes to the heart of much punk and punk-influenced music.

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