Ranking All The Songs from The Bride of Chucky Soundtrack
Ronny Yu directed this 1998 slasher flick written by Don Mancini. It’s the fourth film in the Chucky series about the sadistic children’s toy possessed. Unlike the previous three films, this one focuses more on parody. The iconic character Chucky finds another doll with the same taste for a murder he does. When they meet, she is dressed like a bride. The pair find two high school students to help them enact a killing spree on Route 66. The soundtrack focused heavily on metal from titans of the industry. Utilizing this type of music propelled the movie forward and softened the heavy-handed usage of parody. This is a ranking of all the songs from the Bride of Chucky Soundtrack.
16. Boogie King – The Screamin’ Cheetah Wheelies
Most of the Bride of Chucky Soundtrack was well put together and sounded cohesive. However, this is one song on it that doesn’t seem to go with the rest. Whereas most of the soundtrack is full metal, this song sounds much closer to the alternative and pop offerings gracing the airwaves.
15. Human Disease – Slayer
This song was also featured on the group’s box set; Soundtrack to the Apocalypse. Throughout this song there is a heavy thrash metal influence; one that made the band famous.
14. Bled For Days – Static-X & Dead Prez
In the movie, the song plays when a man is arrested. Drugs are found and he is violently pushed onto his vehicle. This song was initially the third single from the group’s freshman album; Wisconsin Death Trip.
13. See You In Hell – Monster Magnet
The inspiration for this song was a conversation Dave Wyndorf had with someone while going home to Red Bank New Jersey. As they spoke, the conversation turn for the dark when the guy confessed to killing his child while on drugs
12. Love for Sale – Motorhead
Like many other artists on the album, Motorhead is one of the preeminent names in metal. The song works well in a movie about children’s toys terrorizing people. The song was also on the group’s album Snake Bite Love released the same year as the movie.
11. So Wrong – Stabbing Westward
Moviegoers will hear this song during the scene when Jessee and Jade are driving and Chucky puts something in his pocket. The lyrics in the song speak to the depravity of the title characters. Additionally, it plays into the movie’s tagline; here comes the bride…there goes everyone else.
10. The Son of X-51 – Powerman 5000
Powerman 5000 was another group hitting its stride when this movie hit theatres. This track was slightly revised for the Bride of Chucky Soundtrack after it was initially released on the album Tonight The Stars Revolt album.
9. Love You To Death – Type O Negative
Even though there is an official music video for this track; if you’ve seen the movie chances are it’s that scene you’ll remember when you listen to the soundtrack. Type O Negative’s contribution is certainly a throwback to 1998.
8. Trumpets of Jericho – Bruce Dickinson
In the spirit of slasher films, there has to be some sort of a journey. For this one, they are all driving to Hackensack. The electric guitar chords in this song work as the harbinger of further destruction in the movie.
7. Blisters – Coal Chamber
Blisters were one of Coal Chambers’ most memorable songs and not just because it was featured on this soundtrack. Some fans first were introduced to this group from the soundtrack.
6. Thunder Kiss ’65 – White Zombie
One thing the Bride of Chucky has is a great soundtrack. Even, the crazy doll in the movie is always on the hunt for a new song or two. When he finds this one he is frantically flipping through the radio.
5. Blood Stained – Judas Priest
During one scene of the movie, Chucky fires at a police car while someone is still in it. The vehicle ends up crashing. The song works well in this scene because of the darker feel.
4. We Belong Dead – Graeme Revell
For the instrumentation and composition of We Belong Dead portions of the movie dialogue and a little bit of the score were blended. The score was never released so it’s a good thing this gem made it on the soundtrack.
3. Crazy – Kidneythieves
The song was originally written by Willie Nelson and made famous by Patsy Cline. The song was added to the Bride of Chucky Soundtrack after it was used during one of the bloodier scenes in the movie. Tiffany is curled up in bed with the deceased Damian. The scene then pans to a later time with Jesse getting rid of evidence in the vehicle.
2. Living Dead Girl – Rob Zombie
After all the great songs in the movie, it’s hard to believe they packed in one more. It’s a bit of an afterthought in the movie because it plays during the credits. Like some of the other songs on the list, despite not being written for the movie the lyrics sound like they were just for the Bride of Chucky Soundtrack.
1. Call Me – Blondie
Before the song was part of the Bride of Chucky Soundtrack, it was in the movie American Gigolo. The song was initially written for that flick. It ended up being Blondie’s most successful song. When Debbie Harry appeared on The Muppet Show in 1981 she sang this song.