Corey Taylor Talks About SLIPKNOT’s New Album or Other Projects
Corey Taylor talked about SLIPKNOT‘s new album or other projects. He reveals what is the band’s plans for new projects and touring next year.
On October 2nd, Corey Taylor’s latest “CMFT” studio album out via Roadrunner Records. But some of the SLIPKNOT fans couldn’t like this album very much. For this situation, Corey Taylor answered, “I don’t care really. I wanted to make an album that represents me. I’m a forty-six-year-old dude who’s been doing this for over twenty years. So if people younger than me like it, I’ll love it.”
In a recent interview with Scott Bowling’s YouTube channel, Corey Taylor talked explains what’s happening in SLIPKNOT just now. He also revealed an upcoming and new album project:
“The plan right now with Slipknot is to try and A) finish up the touring next year, and B) We’re thinking about kind of putting another album out maybe next year. But I don’t know what the plan is yet.
I just know that we all kind of feel there’s unfinished business and we want to finish that out before we do anything. But I know that we were talking about doing it because we only have one album left on our contract.”
He answered, “So you’re not gonna hit them with the greatest hits?”:
We already did one. I’ve always had the best name for a greatest sits album for us and nobody wanted to use it.
I was like, ‘You guys are sitting on a gold mine…’ ‘People Equal Hits’… I thought it would have been so great with the bar code and then you swap the ‘s’ from around to ‘Hits.’ I was like, ‘Dude, it sells itself!’ Sadly, I was outvoted. So direct all of your anger towards the rest of the band because I thought it was dope.”
Corey Taylor also talked about his drinking problem and sober right now:
“It’s just a lot of hanging and reflecting. We’re all still on the same bus and hanging with those, especially hanging with the solo band. Those guys are just such ridiculous weirdos.
Just hanging and talking, opening up about the mistakes you made, opening up about hearing somebody do something you were like, ‘That was dope.’ It’s almost like that kind of constructive reinforcement kind of vibe. At least two hours of just hanging, and talking, and just having a good time. You’re eating your after-show food, and you’re all up in the front lounge, you’ve maybe got VH1 Classic on.
At the right time of the night, ‘Metal Mania’ comes on, and then you just start ‘MST3K’ in every video, and it’s like, ‘Oh my god, it’s Crocus!’ You just kind of go from there. So that’s what you do, man, it’s the people who cocoon themselves and withdraw, and I’ve been there myself sometimes, that they get locked almost in like this weird negative feedback that can start doing numbers on your ability to be able to do this.
And then, when you do that, suddenly you’re thinking too much, and that connection gets broken. Now, all you’re doing is just trying to get through the songs instead of really trying to touch people in that audience.”
Watch the full interview below!