PlayStation Celebrates Players Gaming Year with Wrap-Up 2020 Gift

It’s been an exciting year for Playstation gamers this year and the launch of the PS5 console in November was especially the best part of it, no doubt!

Considering all of them, there was a lot of gaming to celebrate in 2020. So PlayStation made a move to celebrate the game year by attaching a little gift for gamers as sharing their usual year-end wrap-up reports.

So PS4 players will be able to see their PlayStation 2020 Wrap-Up report through March 2, 2021. And If you are also a PS5 player in 2020, you will only be able to see a few general stats of your PS5 experience. All of the gamers will have the option to share their details with others, including trophies earned, top played games, play hours, and more. Furthermore, PlayStation will also be showing some achievement stats which been taken collectively by their users in 2020 such as;  enemies collapsed in fear in Ghost of Tsushima, total hours played in The Last of Us Part II, and total home runs in MLB: The Show 20.

How long has been PS4 played?

PlayStation has also announced some of the playing details along. For example, this year there have been 340 total trophies earned; 2 of them Platin, 15 of them Gold, 52 of them Silver, and 271 of them were Bronze.

The total hours of gameplay in 2020 was 1630 hours and Demons Soul is the leader of the PS5 Top by being the most played game. While the total PS5 gameplay hours are 152, the total number of PS5 Trophies is 218 on the other hand.

So, I can hear you saying, what about our gifts? Well, PlayStation has brought to PS4 users a free dynamic theme. Yes, and more featuring PlayStation Shapes is also available to PS4 owners. It seems it’s time to get a little more personalized or whatsoever. Qualified users will receive their year-end wrap report via email, so don’t forget to check your inbox indeed! And for more details, you can also visit the PlayStation 2020 Wrap-Up page. We also suggest you take a look at February’s free game list for PS+ here.

And here is a little pre-image for you to see what kind of something will be waiting for you in your inbox these days!

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