God of War and Uncharted Remakes Rumors
The remake news for the popular games ‘God of War‘ and ‘Uncharted‘ excited gamers. Is this possible?
Michael Mumbauer, a former Sony executive, mentioned that the company had once studied God of War and Uncharted remakes. Besides, he said that Sony has set up a special development team for remakes.
Mumbauer, a guest on David Jaffe’s “PlayStation Insider” program, said that PlayStation was considering remaking some of its old games with modern graphics in recent years.
Also, he said that Shawn Layden, then President of Sony Interactive Entertainment Worldwide Studios, was very interested in the remake and remaster productions during his tenure and cited Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy as one of these productions. Mumbauer also stated that he wanted to recreate some popular games such as Uncharted and God of War with today’s graphics.
However, Sony was so interested in remakes and remaster productions that Sony created a special development team in San Diego. There are more than 200 people on the team. It is even alleged that this special development team is working on a secret game thought to be Uncharted 5 by some.
When God of War and Uncharted Remakes Release?
Based on this, we can say that Sony might release remakes of the God of War trilogy and original Uncharted games in the future, but this does not seem to happen soon. It should be noted that it is promising that Sony is carrying out studies on this issue.