10 Things You Didn’t Know about Ace Harper
Who is Ace Harper? Are you familiar with the name? If it sounds familiar but you can’t quite place it, it’s probably because you have heard mention of it before. She is the wife of Matt Sorum, a renowned drummer who recorded no less than three albums with the famous rock group Guns N’ Roses. He’s also currently performing with one of the most exciting groups to come along in quite some time, Velvet Revolver. While most people know Harper as Sorum’s wife, she is an accomplished individual in her own right. If you aren’t already aware, consider these 10 things about her that you may not know.
1. When she first met her husband, she had no idea he was famous
The two met at a Super Bowl party. Sorum had grown weary of meeting women because they all seemed to know that he was famous before he even had the chance to say hello. He had grown weary of meeting people because he didn’t want someone to be with him simply because he was a celebrity. When he met Harper, she had absolutely no idea that she was talking to someone famous. This was something that instantly turned him on and allowed the two of them to connect. In fact, she has said before that it didn’t take him long to ask her for her phone number, largely because he was enamored with the fact that she didn’t know who he was and treated him no differently than she treated everyone else around her.
2. She’s enjoyed a solid career in her own right
Her career hasn’t exactly been anything to sneeze at, either. In fact, she spent years working as a singer and backup dancer for rock groups like Duran Duran and others. Clearly, she is also musically inclined. This also means that she is accustomed to being around people who have a job that just happens to put them in the public eye. As such, she’s not really impressed by that sort of thing. That’s one more thing that made her marriage to Sorum even more likely.
3. She forgot who Sorum was after meeting him at the party
One of the funniest stories that she likes to recount is the fact that after she met her future husband at the Super Bowl party, she returned back home to Los Angeles and promptly forgot about the entire thing. When he finally did call her, she couldn’t even remember meeting him. According to her, they had to converse for quite some time before she remembered who he was.
4. Traditionally, she’s been hesitant to get involved in a serious relationship
Harper herself admits that the idea of getting involved in a serious relationship was something that she was absolutely not interested in at first. In fact, she was reluctant to get involved in any type of relationship with Sorum because she was worried about giving up her career in order to get involved in a relationship. She admits that at the time they met, she wasn’t the least bit certain that she was ready to have a relationship, serious or otherwise. Nevertheless, he finally convinced her to go on that first date and the rest, as they say, is history.
5. The idea of motherhood didn’t come easily to her, either
If the thought of getting involved in a serious relationship didn’t go over well with her at first, the idea of becoming a mother seemed even more outrageous. She couldn’t believe that she would ever be ready to be a mother at one point in her life. Now, she is the proud mother of a baby girl and she says that having her daughter was the best blessing that could have ever happened to her. According to her, that single event has had a more profound effect on her life than anything that she has ever done before.
6. She never considered herself the romantic type
She has repeatedly said that she never thought of herself as romantic, not even during the time of her life when most girls her age would be dreaming of their ideal wedding or some Prince Charming that was going to come and sweep them off their feet. Nevertheless, she eventually found that she definitely does have a romantic side, one that she simply hadn’t tapped into before.
7. She’s fiercely independent
She says that she has always enjoyed the idea of being completely independent. She likes knowing that she can depend on herself to get things done when the going gets tough. Harper says that she learned early on that depending on someone else is only setting oneself up for disappointment, a lesson that she had to learn the hard way and one that she never forgot. To this day, she is still determined to accomplish anything and everything she wants but she wants to get there on her own. According to many, it’s safe to say that she’s already accomplished a great deal. That makes it exciting to see what she will choose to do next.
8. She loves fashion
No one would ever accuse her of being anything less than fashion forward. She has always enjoyed fashion and loves to put clothing together in new and innovative ways. One of the things that she genuinely loves about it is how a person can completely transform themselves by simply changing their wardrobe and then embodying that new creation.
9. She’s an animal lover
If you think she loves fashion, you should consider how much she loves animals. She’s always loved animals, especially dogs. In fact, she has a hard time remembering when she hasn’t had dogs of her own, something that she still enjoys immensely.
10. She has an eye for the Arts
She has an eye for visual arts, especially photography. You might even say that her talent here rivals her musical ability. She definitely understands photography in a very technical way, such as dealing with subject matter, lighting and camera angles. That said, she has an equally impressive ability when it comes to thinking about unique ways to shoot common, everyday things in a way that makes a routine photograph look like a genuine piece of art.