10 Things You Didn’t Know about BFD Da Packman

BFD Da Packman

Bfb Da Packman has always been interested in rapping since he was young, thanks to his cousin, Smoke, who inspired him. However, Smoke did not chase after his dreams; he had to move in with his grandmother, and that’s not the life that Packman wanted. So he started taking rap seriously in 2017, and his efforts have not gone down the drain. He is not one to mince his words though only 75% of the lyrics are factual. Still, it has been a long journey going from hustling, and he still holds a 9-5 mailman job, so here is everything you might not know about him.

1. He Got His Nickname from His Cousin

Packman’s real name is Tyree Jawan Thomas; however, according to Audible Treats, he has always been big. Therefore, his cousin gave Packman his nickname “Big Baby.” Since the rapper did not mind it, the name stuck even in the streets. Packman loved watching Hot Boys on BET, and his favorite group member was Lil Wayne. Hence, he later decided to pay Wayne tribute by changing the alias to BFB (Big f**king Baby).

2. He Has a Careless Sexual Past

When Packman was young, he was negligent about who he was intimate with, which led him to catch sexually transmitted diseases. In his interview with Vlad TV, he disclosed that he did not use condoms when sleeping with someone he had been intimate with before. Unfortunately, he contracted gonorrhea thrice from the same girl, and Vlad advised his audience always to get tested and wear protection to avoid such situations.

3. He Doesn’t Like Talking About His HIV Status

You must have noticed that the rapper likes to wear t-shirts printed with the label “HIV POSITIVE,” which has people speculating on his HIV status. However, whenever he is asked about it, he disregards the question and instead offers advice. Packman seems to speak from the perspective of someone who has been affected by HIV, especially when he says that condoms break and some people get infected the first time they have sex. Regardless, he is determined to show support to anyone who has HIV positive or AIDS. He said he understands what they go through because he has been harshly treated since he started wearing the t-shirts.

4. He Doesn’t Divulge More Than He Has To

Rappers are known to rap lyrics in seconds, but in real conversation, some barely talk. Similarly, Packman does not speak much, and in interviews, he only talks about the superficial stuff. Interviewers have to keep asking follow-up questions to get him to open up more to the audience. For instance, when Vlad asked him where he grew up, Packman said he grew up in Flint, Michigan. Although it was ghetto, it was beautiful, and he kept repeating it was beautiful.

5. He is Appreciative of His Stepfather

Packman did not grow up with his biological father, but his mum remarried, and the stepfather raised the rapper and his brother. He credits the man who he fondly calls “Bobo” for teaching him to tie his shoelaces and helping him become street smart. For this reason, he gives the man a shout-out in his tracks, whereas for his biological father, well, there is no love lost between them. In one of his songs, he says that his father got mad at him for saying he smoked cocaine, but Packman does not care because he walked out on them and let another man raise his children.

6. He Began Working at 13

It is not strange for kids to start hustling, especially when the situation back home is not pleasant; therefore, for Packman, working became the norm when he turned 13. He continued doing so until he was around 20, and he recalls the worst moments of his job were walking into dangerous situations. The rapper, though young, was in business with dangerous crews, and every day he had to fear for his life.

7. He Got Shot By His Friend

It’s incredible what people will do for money, and Packman learned that the hard way when his childhood friend tried to rob him of $50. Instead of the rapper giving up the money, he preferred being shot in the leg. The rapper said he would not let anyone take anything away from him. He was 17 when he got shot, and his girlfriend catered to him when he came back from the hospital. However, he proved he was not money-hungry. Once police started sitting outside his house, perhaps on the lookout for any trouble the rapper would be involved in, Packman decided to shut down his operation of dealing with dangerous clients.

8. He Sold Anything to Make Money

According to Spin, when Packman started hustling in middle school, he sold ExtenZe. He bought them at $10 and sold each pill for $3 to the youngsters eager to make their sexual organs grow to at least 12 inches. He disclosed that he would even trade; when he needed something to eat, he exchanged some cocaine for tacos.

9. His Inspiration to be Independent is from Nipsey Hussle

Packman is not looking to have a crew, but he already has an imaginary one, the Lunch Crew, that only comprises himself. He revealed that he started his channel in 2015 because Hussle inspired him to stay independent. The late musician said that if someone is willing to work so hard for a company, why not apply the same energy working independently. It made sense for Packman, who still holds that advice in high regard. However, he hopes to sign someone someday, but only those who are confident in themselves.

10. He Believes a Sound Engineer is Important to be Successful Musician

The street life that Packman was trying hard to sustain got him in trouble, and he wound up serving a probation sentence. Immediately after, he moved to Houston and searched for an ideal sound engineer hoping to begin his music career. It took a while before landing on A. Redd, whom he says won him over, and they began making music; since then, he has stuck with Redd.

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