The 10 Best Hoodie Allen Songs of All-Time

Hoodie Allen, similar to artists like Sammy Adams and T. Mills, featured a combined sound of rap and pop, causing the artists to stand out in their own genre and individually as artists. When it came to Hoodie Allen however, the rapper has always had his own unique twists with his vocal styles, guest features, and rock-influenced sound. Below, we’ve gone into detail on the 10 best Hoodie Allen songs of all time and explored their differences in sound and more.

10. All My Friends

All My Friends was released on what could be called the newer side of Hoodie Allen’s music, with other songs on our list of best Hoodie Allen songs of all time such as Eighteen Cool and No Faith In Brooklyn being released earlier in the artist’s career and showcased a different side of his music. A large portion of plays on this song was more than likely due to the amount of State Champs fans that listened to it due to their feature on the song.

9. All About It

All About It, coming in surprisingly low on our list of best Hoodie Allen songs of all time, featured Ed Sheeran which made this Hoodie Allen’s most famous feature on one of his songs. The collaboration between the two artists made sense due to the likeliness between the two musician’s styles. While Hoodie Allen leans more into the realm of rap than Ed Sheeran, the famous musician is known for creating his own beats live and throwing freestyles into his songs as well.

8. Make It Home

Make It Home, like more than half of the songs on our list of best Hoodie Allen songs, has a featured guest, but this time it’s a new guest for Hoodie Allen’s music, with the appearance of Kina Grannis. Interestingly, Make It Home is the only song on our list of best Hoodie Allen songs of all time that was released as strictly a single.

7. Eighteen Cool

Eighteen Cool, as mentioned earlier in our list of best Hoodie Allen songs of all time, is from a different era of Hoodie Allen, that was the era that rose the artist to stardom but the artist has since evolved his signature sound from that era. Eighteen Cool was one of three songs on our list of best Hoodie Allen songs of all time but is the only song on the list out of them to not be re-recorded on “Americoustic”.

6. Fame Is For Assholes

Fame Is For Assholes was one of the most interesting, if not the most interesting, songs on our list of best Hoodie Allen songs of all time as it featured Chiddy Bang. Chiddy Bang wasn’t the most popular duo at the time, and are quite silent now as the duo separated and pursued their own ventures, but they always had a very strong following as just like Hoodie Allen they brought a very unique style that combined genres.

5. No Faith In Brooklyn

No Faith In Brooklyn may have come from a somewhat unknown artist at the time, but even now the song remains one of the rapper’s most well-known and catchy. No Faith In Brooklyn is one of two songs on our list of best Hoodie Allen songs of all time from the same album that the artist recreated for an acoustic rendition of that album.

4. Come Around

Come Around is part of the lesser area of our list of best Hoodie Allen songs of all time, that doesn’t feature a guest appearance, but still holds up well in the rapper’s discography, which showed that the artist never needed to rely on other artists to create a memorable song. The song is the only track from the artist’s newest release to be featured on our list of best Hoodie Allen songs of all time.

3. Champagne and Pools

Champagne and Pools was one of two songs featured on our list of best Hoodie Allen songs of all time that featured Blackbear, the producer and vocalist who has seen a rise in popularity of the artists he features with, such as All Time Low recently. The song featured here however is less popular, and ranked lower on our list but was still a great, and classicly catchy Hoodie Allen track.

2. No Interruption

The track is also part of the tracklist of songs from Hoodie Allen’s discography that he transformed into an acoustic masterpiece on his highly interesting rendition EP “Americoustic”, a play on words from the original album title. Out of the three songs on our list of best Hoodie Allen songs of all time, No Interruption is the most popular of the three.

1. Surprise Party

Surprise Party, the second song on our list of best Hoodie Allen songs to feature Blackbear, also featured another guest Kyle. Like the Hoodie Allen song mentioned above that featured Blackbear, Surprise Party also came from the rapper’s 2016 album “Happy Camper”.

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